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Our Mission

哈德遜中區中華聯誼會 The Mid-Hudson Chinese Community Association (MHCCA) was established in 1968. As an apolitical and nonprofit organization, its goal is to promote understanding and the enhancement of cooperation among members through social contacts. Any resident of the Mid-Hudson Valley, regardless of ancestry or nationality, who has an interest in the promotion of Chinese culture may become a member. MHCCA seasonally hosts or co-hosts parties, picnics, sport activities, and cultural shows. 哈德遜中區中華聯誼會成立于一九六八年。作为一个非盈利团体,它的宗旨是以联络本地華人,传播东方文化,促进团结友誼为目的。 凡居住在本地,对推广中華文化有兴趣者,均可为本會會员。本會定期举行各种文化,体育,文艺,娱乐,社交等活动,如春节聯欢會,夏日郊游,中秋聯誼會等。

Our Mission
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